Sunday, June 6, 2010

Blogger Backgrounds

Two years later, and I have decided to update my blog. The hardest part of coming back to the blog? The background. Have you ever Googled "free backgrounds for blog?" It takes forever just going through all the different designs! I took an embarrassing amount of time to look at all the different backgrounds. Who knew a whole day could be wasted looking at blog backgrounds.

Many hours later, I got so frustrated with which one to pick, I decided to just close my eyes and roll my mouse around and pick the one that my curser landed on. So here it is, my background. Thanks to Dotty Dot Dot Design, I have landed on the "Retro Summer" background look. Ain't it purty?

Once I picked the one, I had to figure out how to put the darn thing on my blog. Again, the embarrassing amount of time haunted me as I tried to figure this out. Sure, I followed the directions- it's the understanding of the directions that stumped me. Now, that I FINALLY got it, it seems to easy now. However, I can't seem to figure out how to change the color on that first post.... Oh well. That was sooo two years ago anyway. :)

With that said, I took so long on the background and layout, I no longer have time to do what this site is served to do- Blog. Quite the conundrum. Until next time- Ciao! ( >^..^< )

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ah, The Blog!

Blog. What an odd word, blog. It's such an odd word, I have decided I wanted to become one with The Blog. Thanks to my dearest friend, Clarisa, I too have decided to venture out into the blog world and rant and rave and rave and rant about all sorts of randomness with the other blog-ites that have found themselves in this cyber-world of craziness that is called.... The Blog. For those of you about Blog, I salute you! :)